The Komierowski family from Komierowo of Pomian coat of arms comes from the legendary ancestor of the family, knight Sobiesław Bossuta who came to Poland from Bohemia. According to the family chronicles, he was a member of the retinue of Bohemian princess Dobrawa who came to the court of Mieszko I in 965 to marry him. The knight received the land in the Pomerania, near Gniezno and Nakło, today called Komierowo and Włościbórz, in recognition of his merits for the prince. Starting from then, the family have inhabited Komierowo for close to 1,000 years without any break. Over time, the family adopted the name derived from the place, making it the main family seat.

The family members believe that their ability to reside in Komierowo for so many centuries stems from the minorate rulemeaning a succession by the youngest male offspring in the family which was uniquein Poland (usually the majorate rule was followed, i.e. succession by the oldest son). Other family members had to look for their source of income outside the family seat. This prevented the estate division and fragmentation. In this way, the family increased its estate by buying land or marrying neighbours. Apart from Komierowo, the Komierowskis held the following demesnes for some shorter or longer time: Komierówek, Niechorz, Nieżychowo, Dąbrówka, Krojanki, Wola Dąbrowiecka, Włościbórz and Kijewo. What is more, the Komierowski family settled in Lithuania and Podole in different periods. In the same way, two family lines were separated in 1763, i.e. the Mazovian one started by Józef Komierowski (1726-1813) and the Pomeranian one, with its seat in Komierowo, its ancestor being Stanisław Komierowski (who died in 1793). In the late 18thcentury, the family gained importance and its members took part in the royal elections of Augustus II, Stanislaus Leszczyński and Stanislaus Augustus Poniatowski.

According to Maciej Rydel who has studied the history of the Polish gentry, Komierowo is the settlement held the longest by one noble family in Poland. The family lost its estate only during World War II when it was expelled from the mansion in Komierowo by the Nazi troops which was confiscated by the authorities of the Polish People’s Republic next.
Stanisław Komierowski (died in 1793) was a participant of the Bar Confederation. Jakub Komierowski distinguished himself during the Napoleonic wars. He was a colourful person, a general of the Polish troops who equipped an infantry regiment at his own expense and died in 1807 during a battle with the Prussian troops near Nowe where he has a street named after him today. Brothers Jan and Julian Komierowski from the Mazovian line, officers, were awarded the Virtuti Militari cross during the November Uprising. Jan Wacław Komierowski (1850–1954), alias Wacław Pomian, wrote poems, sonnets called “Sonata wiosenna” (1897), cantos for the epic poem called “Herkules i Omfala” (1891), and translated foreign books, e.g. by H. Heine, J.W. Goethe and V. Hugo. He married the sister of Henryk Sienkiewicz, Aniela.

As a result of the inheritance rules and different interests of individual family members, the history abounds not only in landowners, but also members of military staff, government officials, priests, nuns, lawyers, judges, members of parliament, diplomats, poets, chroniclers and thinkers. Józef Komierowski, the butler of Inowrocław, left the family genealogy and a collection of moral and ethical ponderations entitled Father to His Children in the 18thcentury. Zofia Komierowska was a prioress of the Norbertine cloister in Strzelno in the 16thcentury. Ludwik Adam Komierowski (died in 1703) was a companion in the hussar troops and settled in Podole.
And finally Roman Komierowski (1846–1924), the owner of Komierowo and Nieżychowo, a man of all trades, a wonderful organiser who invested in modern work methods. He multiplied the family estate and was an advocate of the Polish case under the Prussian rule, a member of parliament for many years, a leader of the Polish group to the Prussian seym and also to Reichstag following the reunification of Germany. He counteracted germanisation of the Poles and elimination of the Catholic faith by Germans. He was the author of memories from being a member of parliament under the Prussian rule. His daughter Maria Janta-Połczyńska (1880–1970), wife of the minister of agriculture and forest resources in the Second Republic of Poland, Leon Janta-Połczyński, became the christener of the sailing vessel called “Dar Pomorza”.

The last pre-war owner, Tomasz Komierowski (1885–1939), murdered by the Nazis during the earliest days of the war, reconstructed the palace, giving it the present Classicist form. The son of Tomasz, Andrzej Komierowski (1926–1994) was a teenager when he had to leave the palace which was seized by the Nazis.

with son Andrzej on the palace terrace

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The entrepreneur Piotr Komierowski, coming from a Masovian family line, fulfilling the will of Andrzej Komierowski, the son of the last heir in Komierowo, bought the palace after many years of fighting with the authorities. The monument, devastated during the Polish People’s Republic, required major renovation. This task was undertaken by Piotr’s daughter, Agnieszka Komierowska-Ziomek, and after six years of work, the palace in Komierowo once again became the pearl of Krajna.

Anna Komierowska-Szweycer, Łukasz Komierowski